
(707) 291-7386



Mon-Thu: 10am-6pm

Showing: 11 - 20 of 21 RESULTS


“Your articles have been very helpful to me. This is an incredibly cruel disorder. Thank you for helping to lighten the burden for me.”


“I am so so so incredibly grateful for people like you who write articles on this stuff and how best to deal with it. Your article today was life changing for me and so I just had to write to express my sincere gratitude for that article and everything else you write and do to help others. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”


“Hi Dr. Stone, I just read your article . . . and it touched me SO DEEPLY I just had to tell you. The article really gave me a deep insight into my behaviors and behavioral tools to use. . . there were parts of this article that clicked with my spirit. Whenever I feel an urge to check, I’m going to open your article. Thank you, for providing this information publicly. I just wanted to share that with you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!”

(Reader, Florida)

“Dr. Stone, We have never met, but I had to come on here and thank you. I have really been struggling lately and found an article today on your website that I think will be life changing for me. . . Most everything I read on OCD was not applying to me. Then I came across your article that you wrote. It’s me. I could not even believe what I was reading. It described me in every sense. . . I just had to write and thank you. I have bookmarked the article and plan to read it every time I am obsessing over the unknown. Reading it brought me to tears. It reassured me that I do have OCD which in a way was comforting. Thank you so much for taking the time to write that article. Thank you Thank you Thank you.”

(Reader, Michigan)

“Hi, I read and continue to read your articles as they completely resonate with me. You seem to understand or have knowledge about how I feel and you are the only one I feel that does.”

(Reader, London)

I often find myself reading your ‘Searching for Bad News’ article when feeling anxious as it perfectly sums up how I feel a lot of the time. Thanks very much,


Hi Heather, In searching for help on how to stop worrying about my partner cheating, I found your article “Searching for Bad News.” It really helped me, and I am going …

(Reader; Texas).

“Dear Dr. Stone, I wanted to reach out to you because . . . I’ve never heard of anyone explain OCD like that, and in such specificity. But as I read, I realized that the way you defined it is exactly what I’m going through.”


I very much like your article “Searching for Bad News” and would like to cite certain sections in a book a colleague and I are writing on anxiety disorders for Routledge …


WOW! Heather, this is really a well written and well thought out article. It gave me a language to use with patients. I’m not sure if you thought of this …