
(707) 291-7386



Mon-Thu: 10am-6pm

Showing: 1 - 10 of 13 RESULTS


I just read your thoroughly informative article on POCD, shining a cautionary light into a dark and stigmatized corner of clinical practice that really deserves more conversation. Thank you for …

Hello Heather. This article is

Hello Heather. This article is a breath of fresh air for me as I have been working with a client with POCD. My gut has been telling me that I …

This is such a thoughtful article, written so clearly, with such a friendly, empathic, respectful and compassionate tone to it! This will be a great addition to your website or …

(Online OCD Publication)

Hi Heather, That is a brilliant article. One of the best I’ve seen on POCD. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading it!  To your success,


Hi Heather, I’m just echoing the comments on the listserv about your well-written article.In addition, it was fun, personable and very understandable. A few months ago when faced with a …


Thank you, Heather, I really enjoyed your article in the RPA newsletter on Pedophile OCD. Both of your articles are very helpful, given my current work with a patient with …


Hi Heather, I just wanted to chime in with the others, congratulating you on your well-written article. You did a really nice job of conveying what the reader should be …

(Psychologist; Professor)

Wow, Heather, this is a fabulous article! I love your writing too. Inspired, moving, and helpful, very, very helpful. Also, your treatment is fully consistent with ACT, resting on promoting …