It’s Superstitious. It’s Counterproductive. It Increases Risk. It’s Destabilizing. It Hurts Us. It’s the exact same feeling we said we didn’t want! ©2023 Heather Stone, Ph.D. Reader Feedback readers shared their feedback …
What’s Wrong with Hypervigilance?
Thoughts Anonymous Philosophy
Introduction. 12-Step Recovery Programs first appeared with the inception of “Alcoholics Anonymous,” a spiritual fellowship and structured path to healing, which later took on myriad forms that could address other …
Thoughts Anonymous 12 Steps
We admitted we were powerless over our thoughts, and that our minds had become unmanageable. Came to believe that a power greater than our minds could restore us to sanity. …
Healing Your Social Anxiety (Part 4)
Using Kindness to Heal Your Social Anxiety. The Double-Bind Challenge. Having completed the first three parts of this series, you are in an optimal mindset for change. In Part One, …
Missing Pedophilia OCD: Don’t Let This Happen to You
Don’t let what happen to me? Did I read this right? Now that my title has grabbed your attention, I hope you will allow me to explain: By “you” I …
Who Says I’m Wrong?
Cognitive-behavioral therapists typically present a list of “cognitive distortions” that describe the common errors we make at the level of our thoughts. (You are likely to find a list of …