The Sensitive Person’s Level of Suffering and Need to Present Well Individuals suffering from anxiety are often highly sensitive people whose acute awareness has become an affliction rather than a …
Anxiety and the Sensitive Person
How to Deal with the “Negative Review”
The negative review is the act of rehashing and embellishing conversations in our minds after an interaction has already occurred, while at the same time focusing on our perceived shortcomings. …
Coping With Ambiguity (And the Trouble with Affirmations)
Coping statements are qualitatively different than affirmations, because they emphasize resilience, not perfection. I don’t believe in affirmations, but I do believe in coping statements. Affirmations are a form of …
Treating Panic Disorder
TREATING PANIC DISORDER: A COUNTER-INTUITIVE APPROACH. If you suffer from “anxiety sensitivity,” you may be interpreting certain arousal states in your body to be threatening when in fact they are …