Introduction. 12-Step Recovery Programs first appeared with the inception of “Alcoholics Anonymous,” a spiritual fellowship and structured path to healing, which later took on myriad forms that could address other …
Thoughts Anonymous Philosophy
Healing your Social Anxiety (Part 2)
Using Skepticism to Heal Your Social Anxiety. Incorrect Reasoning. While the socially anxious can be their own worst critic, in the sense of being extremely hard on themselves – they …
Cognitive Distortions
Catastrophizing: You tell yourself that the very worst is happening or is going to happen. Overestimating Probabilities/ Underestimating Coping Response: You overestimate difficulty or danger while underestimating your ability to …
Searching for Bad News: The Circuitous Path of Obsessive Thinking
I Believe Something Terrible. Many people are invested in “proving” the existence of something they are terribly worried about. Even though this would be the worst news imaginable – that …